Assam: Two child policy exempts SC-ST, attracts criticism from non SC-ST community

Guwahati(India): After announcing the new provisions of the two-child policy for the people of Assam, many denizens have started questioning the discriminating norms.

Declaring the new norms for the two-child policy, Chief Minister Himanata Biswa Sarma, on Saturday, had made an exception saying that the rule won’t apply to tea garden workers and the SC-ST community.

He said that the state will take into account population norms for selecting government beneficiaries be it loan waiver or any other government schemes.

“We will gradually incorporate a two-child policy for availing government benefits. You can consider this an announcement,” said Sarma on 18th June.

The exemption made for the SC-ST community has raised many questions in the mind of the non-SC-ST Hindu community.

Talking to Neo Politico, Rayesha raised many concerns over the new policies. She said that it will make conditions for the Upper caste even worse.

“Today no political parties are giving weightage to our issues. We are not a major vote bank for them. Now giving reservations in two-child policies will make our development stagnant.” Rayesha told Neo Politico.

“Also, this will give them the advantage to boost their population and leave our community at the brink. If you want to make a change then do it for the whole population but not on caste-based” she added.

After Assam, ahead of elections, the most populous state UP is further looking to implement the two-child policy. UP can also follow Assam in giving exemptions to the SC-ST community.

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