Court acquits teacher who was charged in SC-ST act and Rape case, falsely booked after demanding tuition fee

Amethi: SC/ST Court Sultanpur gives a clean chit to the young man in a false case of rape and using casteist slurs against a Dalit minor girl. The court found that the youth, who was the teacher of the victim, has been accused in the misdemeanour and false trial of the SC/ST Act due to mutual differences. The father of the young man was also made an accused in the case by the victim.

A minor girl from the Amethi district had alleged that Manoj Prajapati used to molest her while coming from school. A phone was given to the girl by the accused, on which he used to speak vulgar with her.

She also claimed that by pressurizing him, the accused carried out the rape incident. At the same time, the young man had also made pornographic videos of the act, which he was using to make continous and forcefull sexuall relations. Alleged victim further said that Mother had caught her one day with a phone, on which she had told all the things to her mother.

However, the court found that the accused used to go to the house of the victim to teach tuition and due to some differences of opinion, he was falsely labelled under raped and his father was implicated. While hearing, the court did not find any evidence against the accused. Special Judge Rahul Prakash also acquitted the accused’s father from all charges.

False lawsuit imposed on asking for fees

It is alleged that a false case was filed after Manoj demanded fees from the family. Due to false cases, the family’s reputation in the village has been severely damaged. However, now there is a wave of happiness among the family members after getting justice.

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