In a tragic incident in the Hisar district of Haryana, a woman, frustrated by repeated cases under the SC/ST Act, took her own life by consuming poison. The deceased, a resident of Chaudharivas village in Hisar, had spent 40 days in jail and faced allegations of Dalit oppression after her initial release. The woman, identified as Savitri, ended her life in distress due to false cases and threats related to the SC/ST Act.
Reportedly, burdened by fabricated cases and threats stemming from the SC/ST Act, the woman resorted to consuming a poisonous substance to commit suicide. Meanwhile, a case has been registered against Sukhdev, along with three others, Sukhdev’s sons Sukhdev, Makhan, Ravi, and Vikas, for allegedly forcing her to commit suicide.
The incident was linked to a land dispute between the Dalit family of the accused and the deceased’s family. Several cases were previously filed against Savitri by the Dalit family. According to Savitri’s son Manoj, in June 2020, a false SC/ST Act case was filed against Savitri’s father Sundar Singh, which was later dismissed due to lack of evidence. Following this, in October 2020, Sukhdev lodged another case under the SC/ST Act against Manoj’s parents, which was also dismissed as baseless.
Savitri’s parents had spent 40 days in jail in connection with the October 2020 case. After their release, another false SC/ST Act case was filed against Savitri in 2022, but it was again found to be unsubstantiated. Despite these legal setbacks, the Dalit family continued to threaten Manoj Singh’s family with new cases. Distressed by the threats, Savitri tragically chose to end her life on August 6 by consuming poison.
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