Image: Twitter/TribalAffairsIn

De-list Converts, Protect Tribal People: Only way left to save ancient faith

In a significant development, a growing number of Indian tribal people are coming forward to protest against the privileges enjoyed by the converted Christians who still retain the benefits of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. The act was introduced to protect the tribal people of India and their animistic faith from the rapid urbanization and other erosions they face. However, the converted Christians who still remain Hindu on paper are receiving the benefits of both the act and the reservations.

The conversion of tribal people into Christians has been going on for decades, but it has led to ruptures amongst the tribal communities. The tribal people are now demanding a new struggle of delisting across tribal belts or an inquiry to determine whether the concerned individual still retains their ancient beliefs and customs or has abandoned them already.

The rising threat of Love Jihad is another factor contributing to the tension between the tribal people and the converted Christians. Tribal leaders are now urging the government to de-list the converts from the list of Scheduled Tribes immediately. They argue that the converted Christians have abandoned their ancient beliefs and customs and should not be entitled to the benefits meant for the Scheduled Tribes.

The government must take cognizance of the demands of the tribal people and take appropriate measures to address their concerns. The tribal people of India are an integral part of the country’s rich cultural heritage, and their beliefs and customs must be protected and preserved for posterity.

See full video on “History of Things”

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