Investigation: Girl committed suicide over fiance marriage, not for forcing her to dance on DJ

Hamirpur(Uttar Pradesh, India): In a horrific incident, it has been claimed that a 20-year-old girl committed suicide after being molested and forced to dance on DJ. The family of the deceased has accused 6 people from the village including a former Sarpanch’s son.

As the news came to light police have arrested all the accused and the media propels it as a case of molestation and caste politics.

Here when our team reached the Kharakhar village and investigated the matter we got some important facts.

First, the claimed matter of the DJ happened on 3rd May while the girl committed suicide on 20th June. Also, the villagers told us that the charges of molestation are not true. There is a video which has been provided by the villagers to our team where the deceased girl could be seen going to the house of her Uncle. No one has interrupted her or forced her to dance on the DJ. Only small kids were dancing on the DJ.

Moreover, it has been noticed by our team that the deceased girl, named Deepa, was in a relationship with the boy Aushendra Rajput. It was claimed by the villagers that she did suicide due to the pain of separation from Aushendra.

Two days before when the girl committed suicide, her alleged lover had married another girl. On 18th June, Asuhendra married another girl and two days after the marriage Deepa ended her life.

The call details of the Deepa have also indicated that she was in a relationship with the boy.

The couple exchanged more than a thousand calls in the last 51 days
As per the call details of the couple, it has been revealed that the couple had exchanged more than a thousand calls in the last few weeks. Also, a few hours before the girl hanged herself to death the couple talked for hours. The call details clearly indicated what the villagers have told our team.

Girl’s brother was jailed with the help of the alleged prime accused
It was brought to our notice that Prem Lodhi, the deceased’s brother, was sent to jail in a case of a double murder with the help of the alleged prime accused Balram Pandit. In addition to the political rivalry, the role of Balram in catching Prem has put the fuel on the fire. Prime accused Balram’s brother Rajkumar told NP that “Deepa’s Aunt was the candidate of Sarpanch in opposition to Balram’s mother. She lost badly. Now when the seat got reserved they supported a new candidate whereas Balram supported the present Sarpanch of the village”.

“The political rivalry along with the role of Balram in sending Prem Lodhi to jail in a double murder case was the reason to book Balram and his co-aides in the case”, he added.

Rajkumar filed a plea for a CBI inquiry
Rajkumar has filed a plea on the “Mukhyamantri Jan Sunwai” Portal to transfer the investigation to the CBI. He also insisted on fetching the call details of the girl. Neo Politico has assessed over the two numbers of her fiance from which she was in contact with him. Police sources have also confirmed that she was upset with the marriage of her fiancee. Her call details are further indicating that the blamed accused are falsely framed in the case.

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