Photographer: Aitor Garmendia/FOUR PAWS

1800 starving Cows die in shipping chaos, Owner Ibrahim Maritime Ltd. remains quiet

Spain: The news of Cows’ death from starvation is doing rounds on social media. At the end of December, about 1,800 cattle sailed from Spain to Turkey aboard a ship called the Elbeik.

The journey was supposed to take about 11 days, where the cattle were to be sold, mostly to halal slaughterhouses, where they would have been killed with the least amount of suffering. However, due to the pandemic, the ship got stuck in the midway and all cattle died due to hunger. 

An investigation by the Spanish government revealed that about 10 percent of the cows were killed and their remains were thrown into the sea or left to fester in the pens among the living. Upon the ship’s return to Spain, authorities found that the remaining 1,600 animals could not be sold because they were too ill and would have to be killed.

This spring, in addition to the cattle on the Elbeik, another 800 bulls on a ship to Turkey also had to be put down. Last year, nearly 6,000 cattle and more than 40 crew members died when their ship lost an engine and sank off the coast of Japan. In 2019, 14,000 sheep drowned in a shipping accident in a Romanian port, a livestock carrier caught fire while berthed in Greece, and another ran aground near Turkey.

Now when 1800 cows were left to die in the middle of the sea, the news is rapidly gaining headlines around the world. The condition of the cattle on Elbeik was so dire that the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture referred the case to prosecutors at the national court.

The ship’s owner, Ibrahim Maritime Ltd., couldn’t be reached after several phone attempts and didn’t respond to text messages.

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