Court rejects bail plea of Neeraj Bishnoi, Lawyer questioned the IPCs imposed by police

New Delhi: A Delhi court the bail plea of ​​Neeraj Bishnoi, the creator of Bulli Bai and the main Twitter account holder of the app has been rejected. Bishnoi was brought to Delhi from Assam by the Delhi Police Special Cell last Thursday. Neeraj Bishnoi was arrested by the IFSO team of Delhi Police Special Cell in Assam.

The accused hails from the Digambar area of ​​Jorhat in Assam and is a B.Tech student at Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal. So far 4 arrests have been made in this case including Neeraj Bishnoi. 

Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Dr. Pankaj Sharma denied bail to 20-year-old Bishnoi stating that the facts disclosed that he created the ‘Bulli Bai’ app where “women journalists and celebrities of a particular community who are famous on social media are targeted and they are projected in a bad light with an objective to insult and humiliate them by objectification”.

“The investigation of the case is at initial stage and police is in process of collecting evidence and identifying the involvement of other persons. Accordingly, considering the enormity of the allegation and the stage of the investigation, no ground is made out for grant of bail at this stage”, he added. 

Bishnoi’s lawyer questioned the IPCs imposed by the police

The Lawyer of the accused has questioned the sections imposed by the police. Shri L Ojha, the lawyer for Bishnoi, has stated that the ingredients for attracting sections 153A, 153B, 154A, 506, and 509 IPC are missing. 

Neo Politico’s report was correct

It has been submitted by the police to the court that the anonymous email proton id was used to create the account on GitHub. The same was published by the NP, hours before the arrest of the main accused. 

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