Chennai: The Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) has filed a chargesheet against three Dalit men—Sudarshan, Muthukrishan, and Muraliraja—in connection with the 2022 Vengaivayal water contamination incident. The Tamil Nadu government informed the Madras High Court on Friday that the crime stemmed from a personal vendetta against the Panchayat head Padma and her husband Muthaiah, both from the Other Backward Class (OBC) Mutharaiyar community.
The chargesheet states that the accused sought revenge after the dismissal of Shanmugam, a water tank operator who belonged to the Keezh Valaiyar sub-caste, a Mutharaiyar sub-community. Shanmugam’s removal, ordered by Padma, reportedly angered Vengaivayal residents, who petitioned unsuccessfully for his reinstatement. Muraliraja allegedly spread rumors of foul-smelling water, while Sudarshan and Muthukrishan climbed the overhead tank and mixed human feces into the drinking water, contaminating 30,000 liters of water and causing severe illnesses among five Dalit children.
The chargesheet, filed in a special court in Pudhukottai district, includes evidence such as photos and videos from the accused’s mobile phones, DNA analysis, chemical reports, medical records, voice tests, and resolutions passed by the Mutukadu Panchayat. The CB-CID also examined data from 196 mobile phones, 87 mobile towers, and statements from 397 witnesses.
The affidavit submitted to the court highlights systemic caste-based discrimination against Dalits in Vengaivayal, including practices like barring entry into the Iraiyur Ayanaar Temple and enforcing the two-tumbler system for serving beverages.
The incident came to light in December 2022, when five Dalit children fell ill after consuming water from the contaminated tank. Following a preliminary investigation, a case was registered under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.
A 2023 fact-finding report by the Dalit Intellectual Collective revealed longstanding enmity between the Dalit community and dominant caste individuals in the area, exacerbated by disputes over local body elections and administrative decisions. The report alleged that Muthaiah and Padma had targeted Dalits in retaliation for supporting former Panchayat head Chidambaram, from the Kallar (OBC) caste.
The slow progress in the case drew widespread criticism. In April 2023, the Madras High Court appointed retired judge M Sathyanarayanan to oversee the investigation. Despite this, Dalit residents boycotted the April 2024 general elections in protest of government inaction. The CB-CID identified the culprits only after 18 months, earning a reprimand from the court in July 2024 for the investigation’s delays.
Dalits in Vengaivayal continue to face systemic oppression, as outlined in the affidavit. The contamination incident is seen as an extension of caste-based segregation and animosity, leaving the affected community with deep scars.
The case, which has reignited discussions on caste discrimination and accountability, is now pending trial under the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act.