UP SC-ST commission chief Ram Babu while participating in a Buddhism Revival Ceremony.

“Will stop misuse of SC/ST act”, UP SC-ST Commission speaks to Neo Politico

Lucknow(India): As the elections are about to knock on the doors of the state government, the UP government has appointed former BJP MLA Ram Babu Harit the chairperson of the Uttar Pradesh Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

The appointment was done as the Yogi Adityanath government reconstituted the state’s SC/ST commission. A total of 18 appointments have been made. It was going headless since the retirement of Brij Lal in November 2019.

The government has also appointed Mithlesh Kumar from Shahjahanpur and Ram Naresh Paswan from Sonbhadra the commission’s vice-chairpersons.

Speaking to Neo Politico, the Chairperson stressed more on making harmony between all caste groups. On the question of the SC-ST Act, Ram Babu assures us to take care of the false cases.

“I will ensure that this act is not misused. Our commission will hear both the parties to outnumber the chances of partiality. Also, the main focus of our commission is to take the policies of the government to the doorsteps of the SC-ST community”, Ram Babu told Neo Politico.

In his 30 years long political journey, Ram Babu began with his election as a corporator in the Agra Municipal Corporation in 1989. In the early 1990s, he went on to become the deputy mayor of Agra and was thrice elected to the state Assembly from 1992 to 2007. Harit also served as the Minister of State for Health in the BJP governments of RP Gupta and Rajnath Singh between the late 1990s and 2002.

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