Bharat Matrimony’s anti-Bharatiya Hinduphobic Holi Ad.

New Delhi: It has now become highly predictable on every Hindu festival for commercial business houses to join ranks with the communist-Islamist-Christianist cabal to issue homilies to Hindus on how barbaric or environmentally polluting Hindu festivals are celebrated. It is a norm now for business houses to come up with advertisements on Deepavali sermonising Hindus to not burst firecrackers and newspaper columns filled with how pollution levels increase due to Deepavali. The same concern for air pollution vanishes when firecrackers are burst in huge quantities in Christian-dominated areas on Christmas or on New Year’s Eve.  During Holi, Hindus are sermonized about not wasting water by the Bollywood mafia who have swimming pools in their homes in Mumbai, while many areas of the city starve for clean potable drinking water in summer. Thousands of trees are cut for Christmas and many more thousand plastic Christmas trees are used and dumped on streets with no preachings from ads of commercial business houses or PETA or the Bollywood mafia as they are not Hindu festivals. Likewise, millions of cattle and goats are slaughtered to appease Allah with the blood of the hapless animals oozing onto the ground or dumped in rivers which are again regarded as very humane, peaceful and environmentally friendly practices not meriting any sermons from the usual suspects!

Bharat Matrimony, a matrimonial website, went one step ahead and made an advertisement for Holi literally calling it a festival of sexual harassment, under the garb of giving out a message on International Women’s Day which coincided with Holi this year on March 8th.  

The ad begins with a woman with her face covered with the colours of Holi. She then proceeds to wash away the colours with water. Then her face is shown with a black eye and bruises on her face. This is followed by a written message stating, “Some colours don’t wash away easily. Harassment during Holi leads to immense trauma. Today, a third of these women who have faced this trauma have stopped playing Holi.”

(This article first appeared on and is being republished as part of a content-sharing agreement via

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