Bengaluru: In a disturbing incident, Khatakchincholi police have booked 73 individuals under the SC/ST Atrocity Prevention Act and additional charges for an alleged assault on a Dalit colony in Chalakapur village, Bhalki…
MoreBengaluru: In a significant step toward enhancing justice for marginalized communities, the Karnataka government has decided to set up dedicated Directorate of Civil Rights Enforcement (DCRE) police stations to address crimes against…
MoreRewa: A tense situation has arisen in the Sonouri Chowki area of Rewa district after a clash between two groups over a naming dispute, leaving one person critically injured. According to local…
MoreGonda: In a shocking incident that has sent ripples through the community, a young man was brutally murdered and his brother was critically injured in a vicious attack in Gonda district. The…
MoreRaipur: A shocking incident has sent ripples through the state bureaucracy, with a senior clerk, Pradeep Upadhyay, taking his own life, leaving behind a heart-wrenching suicide note accusing three high-ranking officials of…
MoreNew Delhi: In a shocking case of deceit and brutality, a 20-year-old woman from Nangloi, Delhi, was murdered by her partner, who posed as “Sanju” but was later identified as Salim, a…
MoreNew Delhi: In a recent announcement by the government of India, Justice Sanjiv Khanna has been appointed the 51st Chief Justice of India (CJI) and will officially take office on November 11,…
MoreChandigarh: In a significant ruling, the Punjab and Haryana High Court upheld a divorce granted to a man on the grounds of cruelty, with the court emphasizing that calling a husband a…
MoreHaryana: The Haryana government’s decision to implement sub-quotas within the Scheduled Caste (SC) reservation framework has evoked mixed reactions from various sections of the community. The move follows the Supreme Court’s directive…
MoreDelhi: A disturbing case of alleged religious discrimination has surfaced at the IGI Airport in Delhi, where a Hindu female employee claims she was harassed and targeted for wearing a tilak by…