Badaun(Uttar Pradesh, India): The news of a Dalit woman who was stopped from offering prasad in the temple is being widely surfaced on social media. The news, which has been widely shared by journalists and politicians, claims that a Dalit woman was stopped from offering prasad in a local temple. The accused men have been identified as Netrapal Yadav and Sheshpal Yadav.
However, when our team reached the Aloha village the case has popped up quite opposite.
The villagers told us that the woman and his son came daily for the offerings. Also, many people from her own community were there and offering the prasadam. The alleged victim herself claimed that she was doing parikrama of the god and no one had stopped her from doing so.
“She was doing parikrama and throwing up the flowers on the floor which were coming to the feet of other devotees. One of the devotees stopped her from throwing the flower as it was coming under the feet of other devotees. That’s the only matter”, one of the accused told Neo Politico.
It was also said by the villagers that the woman not only offered prasad but also do Yagya by offerings wood into the Agni.

“When a devotee stopped her from throwing the flower, her elder son, who was also doing parikrama, came and started abusing the devotee. The alleged accused only stopped him from abusing the other devotees”, villagers said to NP.
“However, to calm her elder son, as we don’t want to spoil our Yagya, we offered them to offer woods into the Agni. They offered prasad and also did Yagya”, the villagers added.
“Woman files case due to politics”
At least hundreds of villagers have told us that the woman has imposed the case of the SC-ST act due to a political rivalry. One of the framed men was the Sarpanch candidate in the past election. Also, her younger son is a journalist who forced her mother to frame the case to get an explosive headline.
“One of the witnesses denied the incident”
Both the witnesses (as mentioned in the FIR), have denied the claims of the old lady. They claimed that the woman is misusing the SC-ST act for her own benefit by involving us.
However, Police have registered the case under the various sections of the SC-ST act and investigating the case as prima facia the case seems framed and false.
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