India(AP): A Dalit professor in Andhra Pradesh has been accused of harassing a young woman and imposing a fake SC-ST Act on her entire family. The incident took place in the Guntur district of the state, where Kondru Sudhir Kumar, who works as a guest faculty at Acharya Nagarjuna University, has imposed a case of the Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes Atrocities Act on a PhD student and her 7 family members.
As per the FIR filed by Sudheer Kumar, Ritu(Changed name) had hacked his Gmail account and deleted a thesis written on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, due to which he has suffered a lot. However, when our team has investigated the matter the allegations stand false.
Ritu, who lives abroad, told us how Sudhir Kumar pressured her to befriend him. Also, he used to edit her photo for his ill purposes. Ritu has also filed a case with the police regarding this act.
Also, Sudhir Kumar used to talk about helping Ritu in research as her co-guide in PhD. During this time both of them started talking on Whatsapp and Gmail. But slowly, Sudhir Kumar started sending the wrong messages to the student. At the same time, he used to send her edited photos. To which the student objected.
When she blocked her and refused to talk, Sudheer put a case of the SC-ST Act on the student and her family members.
Social Media account reveals that Sudheer Kumar is a converted Christian
When we scanned the social media account of Sudhir Kumar, it came to know that Sudhir Kumar is associated with Christian Missionaries. His Facebook account is scattered with discourses from the Bible and Jesus.

On gathering more information NP came to know that in 2016 Sudhir also went to Singapore under Bible Mission. We also got a public video of it on YouTube.

Never met the student, yet filed the SC-ST Act on her
According to the student, she never met Sudhir(He also accepted this in the FIR). Despite this, he filed a case under the SC-ST Act for not befriending him. The student stays outside India for a long time and is doing PHD from India under distance learning.